Is disorderly conduct a major crime?
Adhering to and following the law of the land is an important issue anywhere, and in Jefferson, GA, it isn’t any different. In most cases, an arrest for disorderly conduct isn’t a major crime, but based on the surrounding circumstances, the amount the judge sets for disorderly conduct bail can vary.
How much is the typical bail amount in Georgia?
If you are arrested on disorderly conduct in Jefferson, Georgia, or anywhere in the state of Georgia, you will be booked into jail. Typically, within 72 hours of booking, you will be presented before the reigning magistrate judge who will review the case and determine if the defendant should be allowed bail. This judge will then decide the amount of the disorderly conduct bail amount using these factors:
- Flight risk
- Additional crime committing risk
- A danger to self or others
- Criminal history
- Employment status
- Residence situation
The judge has the option of setting additional conditions for release on disorderly conduct bail posting. Those conditions will include the defendant is required to make all future court dates, not to commit any other crimes, stay within the jurisdiction of the arrest until their court date, no alcohol, or drugs, and not to socialize with any person on parole or probation. They may be required to meet with the bail bond agent every week until their court date as well.
Are there different types of disorderly conduct bail bonds?
Yes, there are four different types of possible disorderly conduct bail bonds available to a defendant once the judge has approved and set the bail amount. The state of Georgia has set a limit for bail at 15% of the bond. The four types of bail include:
- Cash Bail Bond
To post bail with the court, the full amount of the disorderly conduct bail is required. Full cash bail is often required by the judge when the defendant is thought to be a flight risk, if a violent crime was committed that included disorderly conduct, or if the defendant has an extensive criminal history.
- Signature Bail Bond
A signature bail bond is allowed for minor charges or a first offense. With this type of bond, money isn’t required. In simple terms, the defendant will sign a signature bond that states they will appear for all court appointments and follow all restrictions and rules of the disorderly conduct bail. If any of the restrictions or rules are broken, the defendant will be arrested and held in jail until their court date or if the judge allows a cash bail.
- Property Bail Bond
If a judge sets a disorderly conduct bail, a property bond can be obtained on behalf of the defendant using real property to secure the bail bond. This can include any land, real estate, jewelry, vehicles, or art. These items will be appraised by a professional before the bail bond agent accepts them instead of securing the disorderly conduct bail in cash.
- Surety Bail Bonds
Also referred to as Commercial Bail Bond is the least expensive way to be released from jail through a bail bonds agent. The defendant or a person on their behalf will pay a premium to the bail bond agent, typically 15% of the disorderly conduct bail amount versus the usual 10%. In addition to restrictions and rules set forth by the reigning judge, the bail bond agent will have conditions and rules too.
What is the standard sentencing for disorderly conduct?
Bail has been set and posted, and you’re released until your court date. What is the normal sentencing for disorderly conduct arrest? Disorderly conduct laws in Georgia are considered as disturbing the peace with actions like:
- Loitering
- Rioting
- Fighting
- Physical altercations
- Inciting a riot,
- Obstructing traffic
- Use of extremely abusive or obscene language
- Loud or unreasonable noise
After an arrest and posting disorderly conduct bail, the statute of this charge can be sentenced with a maximum of 12 months incarceration and a maximum fine of up to $1,000. Additional requirements could be any or all of the following:
- Probation
- Community Service
- Alcohol/Drug Classes
How long can someone be held without bond in Georgia?
The state of Georgia has established a provision that a defendant should have a hearing within 90 days under Section 17-7-50 which requires a grand jury hearing no later than 90 days after arrest.
Staying Within The Law!
If you’re arrested on disorderly conduct, bail bond is posted and you are released, you’ll probably start adding up the amount of money this ‘minor’ crime has cost you so far. Well, the bad news is, you’re not through with this matter yet. First, you’ll have your trial and it is here the jury will determine your guilt and to what degree.
Then the judge will hand down the sentence. If you’re sentenced to a maximum of one year and the $1,000 fine, this is just the start of the expense. You’ll have court costs to pay, restitution to anyone that has suffered from your disorderly conduct, you’ll be responsible to pay for any alcohol or drug classes as well. In addition, there are the days missed at work that you’ll be docked, and possibly loss of employment. And remember – if you need help with disorderly conduct bail in Jefferson, GA our team can be there for you. Just reach out by calling 706-353-6467 to speak to a member of our team.